Dear Friends,
In these strange times of Covid-19 where we are all rightly at home, it is and remains extremely important for people with MS to Keep Moving!
Since your weekly rehabilitation sessions, your daily physiotherapy sessions, are now temporarily suspended, we at Move to Sport thought it is important to anticipate on this.
“Keep Moving with Multiple Sclerosis” are online exercise programs where it is important that:
- You try to exercise daily or every 2 days.
- Find your pleasure in moving.
- You practise according to your own capabilities.
- Carry out and strictly follow all the hygienic measures that we all have to take in relation with Covid-19!
The exercise programs are designed in a way that we hope we can serve the entire MS community.
Follow us on our facebook page ( and on our website ( as we will add new exercise programs.
Maintain your physical and mental condition, take care of yourself and your housemates, so that we can go back and continue our sessions after all this will be over!
If you have any suggestions, proposals or questions, please let us know by email: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. and we will respond as adequately as possible.
#stayathome #staysafe
With sporty greetings,
Paul Van Asch, Msc, Physiotherapist
President Move to Sport vzw